
MedRoute for Mediterranean – small objects for a plastic-free sea

Metal water bottles and canvas shoppers with the MedRoute map created by Guizzo ( and produced by DELTAGRAF – Studio Grafico ( for helping to solve the problem of the plastic waste in the Mediterranean. This is our new initiative for a plastic-free sea. Because history is not only our past, but also our present and future and to protect environment is to protect history.

If you wish to contribute, you can buy one of our shoppers or plastic bottles. The proceeds will be donated to Legambiente (an Italian environmentalist association) that is already involved in the European ENI CBC MED project COMMON ( for tackling the problem of the plastic waste in the Medierranean.

With a contribution of 8 euros for a canvas shopper and 16 euros for the metal water bottle, you can support MedRoute in promoting a plastic-free sea. For more information, contact us